Welcome  to Tessa's DESN 360 Website!

This is a website showcasing Tessa's projects in EWU's Spring Quarter 2016 Publication Design course. Feel free to browse and explore! Scroll down to view magnificent projects.


Lab 1: Setting It All UpLab 1 PDF

In Lab 1: HTML and CSS, we created an HTML file through a code editor (I utilized Brackets) , and added html elements, including the DOCTYPE, paragraph tags, and unordered list tags to organize our content, and provide information about our life, as well as our favorite superhero.

Lab 2: Using EditorsLab 2 PDFLab 2 My LifeLab 2 Superhero

I applied my knowledge of absolute and relative links to code, creating links between pages located on the website (relative) , and pages outside of the website (absolute). I also added new images.

Lab 3: CSSLab 3 PDFLab 3 My LifeLab 3 Superhero

I applied CSS styling using a pre-made stylesheet, and my own global CSS stylesheet,  to stylize my content, including a background image, font-family, center-aligned content, and stylized link states.

Lab 4: File FormatsLab 4 PDFLab 4 My LifeLab 4 Superhero

I optimized images through Photoshop to adjust the image files, in order to satisfy meet the criteria for web resolutions and print resolutions through looking at image quality and image size.

Reading Projects

Reading Project 1: Letterhead Design

Utilizing the Indesign textbook to create a letterhead design in Indesign.

RP 1 Web PDFRP 1 Image
Reading Project 2: Surf Rider Poster

Utilizing the Indesign textbook to create a Festival Poster design in Indesign.

RP 2 Web PDFRP 2 Image
Reading Project 3: Aerospace Newsletter

Utilizing the Indesign textbook to create a newsletter design in Indesign.

RP 3 Web PDFRP 3 Part A ImageRP 3 Part B Image
Reading Project 5: Ireland Travel Brochure

Utilizing the Indesign textbook to create a brochure design in Indesign.

RP 5 Web PDFRP 5 Part A ImageRP 5 Part B Image

Book Labs

The lab explores interactive publishing methods, utilizing Adobe InDesign to create an overall better interactive experience for the user.
Book Lab 8 Interactive PDFBook Lab 8 AnimationBook Lab 8 ImageBook Lab 8: Interactive
The lab explores digital and traditional desktop publishing methods using Adobe InDesign, examining various digital and print formats.
Book Lab 9 Sample Booklet PDFBook Lab 9 eBook ZIP FileBook Lab 9 ImageBook Lab 9: Publishing - Printing & Digital
The lab explores more HTML and Muse, utilizing Adobe InDesign.
Book Lab 10 HTML FileBook Lab 10 Muse FileBook Lab 10 Homepage ImageBook Lab 10

Code Projects

I used codecademy.com to learn about HTML and CSS, applying links, images, and tables, along with font-families, font-styles, and background and border colors.
I learned how to create a web page utilizing HTML to add content and give the browser instructions, along with CSS (rather than inline styling) to style the page.
I learned about an online application called Weblfow, a service similar to a WYSIWYG editor, that can be used to build innovative webpages.

Group Work